2011: First in Platt Fields

Platt Fields Park 2011

Platt Fields Park became a defining event for Envirolution.  The sun was out; musicians came with songs written especially for the event; the youths of the BMX track immersed themselves in the bike customization and over 50 organisations offered a programme bursting with interaction.  There were a lot of people using the park, including local families, who came over to see what was happening and to take part, which helped to make a success of a day that was built on the passion of many individuals.

Envirolution 2011 from David Barrow

The event on the 18th June 2011 was the second event that Envirolution had organised in a little less than eight months.  This would be an epic achievement for any well established organisation but truly inspirational for a small group of volunteers who were brought together and motivated by the belief in an idea.
The aim of Envirolution is to create a platform for inspirational projects and individuals to showcase their
achievements and to build an atmosphere that can inspire positive change.
Realising that we had successfully brought the event together led to our nervousness being replaced with excitement.  The team had worked incredibly hard and fortunately the skies looked down on us with bright shining sun.
The opportunity came early to hold the event at Platt Fields Park, which did not disappoint as a venue.  The use of the eco garden allowed us to create a community event with a close to nature feel.
The use of the space and features of the park enabled us to experiment with the events, layout and allowed us to build on the activities that had worked well in 2010.  A key addition this year was the ‘Hot Topics’ area, where we brought forward thinking individuals and projects to the park to discuss ideas.  The goal was to allow people to contribute to the debates going on in our city, and was so popular at times that we needed more chairs!
The entertainment was opened by a group of African drummers, Wonko Ko, and included Envirolution favourites Beaky Sue and Honeyfeet.  We were also graced with the presence of The Templebys, who wrote and composed a song inspired by Envirolution which was premiered at the event.  The music was accompanied by storytelling, comedy, a frenetic clothes swap party and a bike ballet performed by Manchester’s very own bike troop ‘The Spokes’.
A key success this year was the array of keepsakes you could take home with you from the event, on top of the memories, knowledge and inspiration we hope people get from Envirolution.  There was the free customisation of your bicycle, a free bike service, a self-made bird feeder from RSPB, a self-made purse and coaster from Eco Arts Ardwick.  My favourite had to be a belt that you could make yourself from old bike tyres, assisted by Skills for Sustainable Living.
I am already excited about what we can achieve next year!

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